You have to ask. The three credit bureaus simply collect data and report them back when asked. You can have mistakes on a credit report and not know about it, and this can damage your credit file.
There is no requirement that credit bureaus tell you about errors. In fact, credit bureaus don’t know whether something in your credit report is a mistake or not; they just spit out what’s been given to them. If you paid a credit card $100 and the credit bureau states that you paid only $10, it’s not the credit bureau’s fault. It’s usually the credit card company that transposed a decimal somewhere.
But you’ll never know about these mistakes unless you ask the credit bureaus directly. You do this by getting copies of your credit report from all three bureaus and reviewing them for mistakes. When you find a mistake, you contact the credit bureau and inform it of the error.
When you’ve established that there is an error, the bureau is then required to contact the other two bureaus and have them clean up the mistake as well. But it’s your job to look for mistakes, not the bureaus’.
Recent changes in credit-reporting laws now make it easier for you to get your credit reports. All you have to do is visit www.annualcreditreport com, where you can get your report from three bureaus at no cost to you.
If you do find errors, and you can document the mistakes, once you provide that documentation to one bureau, it’s not necessary for you to contact the other two as well to make sure they get the corrected information. The law requires one bureau to notify the other bureaus when a mistake is found and corrected.
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